CBD is the second most common cannabinoid from the plant of cannabis.


D9THC is the most common cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. Better known as THC, it has psychoactive properties and its effects include altered sensory perception and reduced short-term memory.


10-α-OH-Δ8THC is a recently discovered cannabinoid. The physiological and therapeutic properties of 10-α-OH-Δ8THC remain to be investigated.


THCV is a phytocannabinoid analogous to THC.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by inability to sleep or sleeping less time than desired. The endocannabinoid system plays a role in sleep processes and medical cannabis users already reported benefits of cannabis use to sleep. More research on the molecular mechanism of cannabinoids in sleep processes could uncover their potential on treating sleep disorders.


Addiction is a complex physiological phenomenon that is intimately linked to the dopamine neurotransmitter system. Neurons in the dopamine system are studded with cannabinoid receptors (like CB1) which explains the addictive properties of cannabinoid substances. However, the interaction between the cannabinoid system and the dopamine system also offers opportunities for cannabinoids in the treatment of addiction to for instance alcohol, food, nicotine or opioids.


One of the best-known effects of cannabis is that it can give you the munchies. This effect can be exploited to stimulate eating in anorexia patients. Both clinical and preclinical data indicate that THC is a strong appetite stimulator. More research is required to refine appetite modulation by cannabinoids.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.


cannabinoids and endocannabinoids are known to strongly affect eating behavior. THC typically induces hunger and THCV suppresses it.


Both plant cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system have been implicated as risk factors in the development of depression as well as therapeutic targets to treat depression.