CBDV is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with anti-convulsant properties like its homolog CBD. It has also other potential therapeutic properties as antitumorigenic, anti-acne and antiemetic effects.


Eczema or dermatitis is a (chronic) inflammation of the skin. Eczema is marked by itchy skin and crusty skin lesions. It is not known what exactly causes Eczema but an over-active immune system may at least be part of the cause.


OCD is an anxiety disorder characterised by the obsessive urge for repetitive behaviour.


cannabinoids have excellent therapeutic potential for the treatment of epilepsy. In the brain, the endocannabinoid system tends to keep neuronal activity wihtin acceptable boundaries.


TRPV3 is one of the non-GPCR-coupled cannabinoid receptors. TRPs are typically involved in pain sensation.


TRPM8 is involved in sensory perception.


TRPA1 is best known as a sensor for environmental irritants, pain, cold and stretch.