
4-OH-5-acetoxy-CBG is a recently discovered cannabinoid. The physiological and therapeutic properties of 4-OH-5-acetoxy-CBG remain to be investigated.

Cannabichromanone C

Cannabichromanone C is a recently discovered cannabinoid. The physiological and therapeutic properties of Cannabichromanone B remain to be investigated.


8-OH-CBN is a recently discovered cannabinoid. The physiological and therapeutic properties of 8-OH-CBN remain to be investigated.


Δ8THC is an analog of Δ9THC with similar physiological and therapeutic properties which are still under investigation.


10-α-OH-THC is a recently discovered cannabinoid. Whether 10-α-OH-THC has therapeutic properties remains to be investigated.


THCA is a precursor in THC synthesis (decarboxylation). THCA is not psychoactive and has several therapeutic properties.


CBGA is a precursor for the production of THC but has some therapeutic, anti-inflammatory, value as well. Given the number of receptor interactions CBGA is likely to have more therapeutic properties.