
Addiction is a complex physiological phenomenon that is intimately linked to the dopamine neurotransmitter system. Neurons in the dopamine system are studded with cannabinoid receptors (like CB1) which explains the addictive properties of cannabinoid substances. However, the interaction between the cannabinoid system and the dopamine system also offers opportunities for cannabinoids in the treatment of addiction to for instance alcohol, food, nicotine or opioids.


Kv4.3 is a potassium channel that is involved in the repolarisation of action potentials in cardiac muscle. Kv4.3 is not a classic cannabinoid receptor but its activity is modulated by cannabinoids.


Kv3.1 is a potassium channel that functions in action potential repolarisation in fast-firing neurons. Kv3.1 is not a classic cannabinoid receptor but its activity is modulated by cannabinoids.


GPR18 is involved in apoptosis, microglial migration in the CNS and other immune responses.


Cav3.2 is a calcium channel of the T-type that is involved in many processes in the brain and other tissues. Contrary to other calcium channels Cav3.2 is activated by relatively low/negative voltages.


Cav3.3 is a calcium channel of the T-type that is involved in many brain processes. Contrary to other calcium channels Cav3.3 is activated by relatively low/negative voltages.